The main goal of the project is to support the sustainable economic growth by identifying and exchanging policy measures in respect with the existing Directives on WEEE and in particular in the PV panels EOL treatment field. The design, construction and maintenance of PV panels till now have invested mainly in performance improvement and much less in the phase of final disposal and the possible actions of dismantling, disassembly and recycle. Product design and take-up and recycle actions are interrelated processes and towards this interrelation nothing has been reported yet. The project will first set-up this interrelation and based on the redesign guidelines for PV panels based on the EOL strategy, it will investigate alternative collection and treatment networks.
Another aim is to combine PV panels’ treatment with other similar products to examine the viability of such a proposal and to offer virtual lab facilities for the evaluation of alternative processing treatments. Processes and processing lines will be simulated and their efficiency will be demonstrated.
The proposed action has a direct impact on the collaborating enterprises, and the special interest of each partner is outlined in the description of the workpackages. Extensive communication will help public authorities and other enterprises to evaluate the challenges coming from PV waste treatment or actions that need to be undertaken in order to avoid land filling or incineration actions.
Project website: